Rock or sea salt remove negative energy and bring the positivity
in life.Rock salt actually absorb the negative energy and make the environment
Keep salt in crystal or ceramic bowl.avoid
to use any metal container. Keep the bowl in washroom or toilet in north-east
corner for 7-14days. Wipe the floor with this salt on Saturday .Put new salt in
the bowl on saturday. Bowl of salt can be placed in various part of the house
to remove vastu dosh. If you are suffering from any depression then take the
rock salt on both hand and close for a few moment and drain the salt into
1.If there is an effect of architect in
your home then keep the rock salt in a bowl and
put it in a corner of the bathroom. By doing so the architecture of the
bathroom ends.
2.Place the salt in a glass vessel and
put four-five “long” in it. This will start arriving in
the form of money and the house continues to grow.
3.If your mind is very turbid If the
thoughts continue to suffer from any kind
of anxiety, then your health will fall. By taking bath with salt water, the
body will become pure, while the mind will also be calm.
4.If the husband and wife have any
problem in the matter or there is any
doubt or any kind of mental unrest, then keep a piece of rock salt in a corner
of the bedroom , it will remove negative energy. Change this piece after a
month and keep the second new spindle.